Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Chew on this thought for a bit...

Do you have your fax number on your business card? If yes... why?

Do you have your blog address on your business card? If no... why not?


carmilevy said...

...and your Twitter username...
...and your Facebook ID...

Wait, why have a business card at all? These days when I meet someone, I ask for their e-mail address, then e-mail them immediately from my BlackBerry. Any e-mail that I send out has my key contact info automatically embedded in the signature. It's a stronger connection than a piece of paper.

With the advent of massively indexable inboxes thanks to Google Mail, it's the quickest way to add to your contact database without worrying about losing the card or forgetting to transcribe it when you get back to the office.

Glenn Cressman said...

I do that too - this is the first step in the process to get everyone converted!