Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Put up a sign, would ya!

Kudos today go to Rexall Pharmacies.

The other day I noticed that they are currently constructing a large new retail location in London, Ontario, on a fairly busy street that many commuters take to get downtown every day. One of the first things they did was construct their permanent pole sign.

If you're constructing a retail location, your sign should be the first order of business. We are all inherently curious and even nosy. All too often I notice a new building going up and wonder to myself "I wonder what that's going to be?" Construction takes several months, and if you don't have a sign up, that's several months of missed marketing opportunity.

Put the sign up. Get people talking about your business ("Did you notice there's a new ___ going up on ___ street?"). People love talking about that stuff, especially locals (who are usually the most important people for retail locations). It lets people know that your business is successful and expanding. You could even use the sign to build up anticipation for a coming event, such as a grand opening (also very important for retail locations).

This is an easy one folks - don't miss the opportunity to market your business.

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